Sunday, September 27, 2009

Can tech personalities break into politics?

In recent years there has been more and more special people or celebraties you could say that have gotten their hands wrapped in politics. The likes of Jessie the "Body" Ventura who made a renound career in Professional Wrestling and then took the world to new highs with his running of Minnesota Govenor in the early 2000's. Others such as Arnold Schwarzenegger have made hype in the past. In the near future of 2010, Meg Whitman, former CEO of ebay will attempt to fill the shoes of Govenor of California. It leaves the nation questioning though, is their too much scramble between the lines of celebraties and politicians actually doing their jobs. With the way the world is shaping, few people want to take that risk. Putting a capitalizing state of California even in the hands of the biggest nerd out there.

I think the grow and rise of celebraties in the Senate and Govenor race is being overlooked. Of course these people are paided high bucks each time they star in a movie or broadcast a new commercial or t.v. event, but we are forgetting one word, acting. They are actress and actors by trade, so how can we be sure they are coming off to be true politicians. Mostly in the past few years I have seen old actors that think they have done it all. Stared in all the box office hit movies and traveled down the red carpet millions of times. When you start to mix hot air with confidence that can be dangerous. You are asking these people that probably have just the same amount of expierence of either me or some other average person to put the whole state may be the country the way this world is going into jeapardy. If no one expierenced is knowing what they are doing, how are we supposed to feel secure as a nation that we are getting the rights and protection we deserve?

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